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Employment History

  1. Glodon USA

    March 2022 - December 2023

    Software Engineer

    • Worked on a small graphics team in various areas for CAD modeling software related to architecture
    • Wrote python bindings for graphics related functions on the C++ backend
    • Understood 3rd party code for future extension and developed documentation based on the code base

  2. Moberg Analytics

    February 2021 - January 2022

    Clinical Informatics Engineer

    • Full Stack development using Flask and React to create a medical dashboard which enables doctors to analyze patient data
    • Created an interactive drag and drop analytic constructor and custom data visualizations using D3.js
    • Met weekly with Doctors and a team from IBM about development for the patient data dashboard

  3. Drexel CCI

    September 2020 - March 2021

    Teaching Assistant

    • Assist professor in conducting weekly labs
    • Grade written assignments and lab reports
    • Provide assistance to students on course subject matter